Listening to this podcast makes me feel loved. I can’t help but smile and feel inspired to go create the life of my dreams."



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Mel Robbins on How to Break Through Resistance & Love Yourself with the High 5 Habit

How can the High 5 Habit build your courage and stop your self criticism? Mel Robbins, bestselling author and renowned motivational speaker was hitting a low moment when she saw herself in the mirror, gave herself a high five…and a complete shift began. She shares how you can unlock the cage that you’re trapped in, […]

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How Epic Your Business Can Grow When You Have a Podcast – Jessica Zweig & Jill Stanton

What doors can you open when you start a podcast? Jessica Zweig, branding and marketing expert, author, founder of SimplyBe, and Jill Stanton, cofounder of Screw the Nine to Five are both entrepreneurs who scaled their businesses from their podcasts. They share how to overcome the impostor syndrome when you start with a small audience, […]

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Alli Webb & Lori Harder on How to Overcome Your Resistance, Stop Apologizing & Own Your Superpower

How can you push through your fears at every step of building a business? Alli Webb (founder of Drybar, Squeeze, Okay Humans, Becket and Quill) and Lori Harder (founder of Lite Pink), serial entrepreneurs and podcast hosts of Girlfriends in Business return to the show to share their best advice on how to deal with […]

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How to Get Your First Coaching Clients & Grow Your Business with Podcasting – Kelsey Murphy

How do you launch a coaching business and get your first clients? Kelsey Murphy, life and business coach, B-School mentor, and podcaster returns to the show to share her advice on how to price your coaching services, use podcasting to scale any business, and come back home to what makes you truly happy. – Come […]

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How to Grow your Audience Through Authentic Engagement & Connection – Quit Tip

Why should you show up live if you want to scale your business? Cathy shares her advice on how to let your imperfections shine when you’re growing your visibility, how to sell through your story, and how to build the best engagement and connection by being your genuine self. – Want more content from Cathy? […]

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5 Ways to Make a Living Doing What You Love

What are the different ways your passion can become a business? Cathy shares how you can make a living doing what you love as a Maker, Teacher, Curator, Investigator / Content Creator, or Service based business, how each one can be monetized without thousands or hundreds of followers, and how to give yourself permission to […]

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Kelly Roach on Growing an 8 Figure Business with Live Launching, Podcasting & Being of Service

How can you connect, engage, and convert your audience by serving with your gifts? Kelly Roach, business strategist and coach, bestselling author, and top marketing podcaster returns to the show to share her best advice on why it’s better to take imperfect action, how livestreaming and podcasting can scale your business, and how to turn […]

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3 Steps to Making an Offer & How to Create Your Brand

What should you say when you’re putting your offer out in the world? Cathy shares the 3 steps to validating, clarifying, and testing your offer with your audience, how to use the 3×3 method to grow visibility and engagement, and how to create branding that feels in alignment with you. – Join the Quitters Club! https://cathyheller.com/quitter […]

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Helping an Overwhelmed Mom Brighten Up Her Corner of the World

How can you help people using your life experiences and your open heart? Cathy coaches a former teacher Dennise, whose life was forever changed when she gave birth to her son with a rare medical condition that requires her full attention. Find out how to cultivate connection and turn it into a paid offer, why […]

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How to Find Your Dream Path

What are the steps to uncover your passion and get paid to do work you love? Cathy shares this inspiring workshop about how to find your gifts, dream up the life you truly desire, identify what your calling could be, and turn your vision into a business that brings you joy, abundance, and purpose. – […]

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Prime Yourself to Do Amazing Things

How can you get out of your own way and do what you’re made to do? Cathy shares how to expand your capacity for happiness, and teaches you how to get into a state of mind and energy that’ll charge you forward and lead you to take bold, inspired action. – Join the free workshop […]

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How to Build Your Audience with Generosity

How can you grow a business by giving something away for free? Cathy shares how to create an opt in that will make people excited to sign up for your email list, unlock the light within you, and step into the flow of abundance by being generous. – Join the Quitter’s Club! https://cathyheller.com/quitter – Thanks […]

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