Listening to this podcast makes me feel loved. I can’t help but smile and feel inspired to go create the life of my dreams."



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Jason Mraz on How to Embrace the Mystical Magical Rhythmical Radical Ride of Life

How can you have fun and optimism during the unpredictable ups and downs of life? Jason Mraz, multi-Grammy Award winning singer songwriter and philanthropist is back to explore the discoveries in making his new album, Mystical Magical Rhythmical Radical Ride. He shares how to be patient and grow with your gift, why you should be […]

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Having the Courage to Speak Your Truth & How to Create a United Community

How can you build the resilience to keep getting up every time you’re knocked down? Robert F. Kennedy Jr, US presidential candidate, founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance and the Children’s Health Defense, environmentalist attorney, and NYT bestselling author grew up in one of America’s most beloved political families, and now he’s on a mission to […]

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Amy Tangerine on How to Manifest Your Dream Client & Align with Abundance

How can you dream big and make it become your reality? Amy Tangerine, professional scrapbooker, artist, and bestselling author opened the door to her dream life by saying yes to the opportunities that brought in fun and fulfillment. She shares how to manifest your dream client, make brave and bold decisions for yourself, heal from […]

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Garance Doré on How to Build Abundance Through an Authentic Personal Brand

How can you grow a community by being yourself? Garance Doré, founder of Doré, illustrator, bestselling author, storyteller, and photographer has always let her intuition guide her to where she can show up with an open heart. She shares how she had the courage to pivot away from a successful business that was no longer […]

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Diego Perez (Yung Pueblo) on Reaching Inner Peace & Freedom Through Meditation

How can you be liberated from the constant battle inside your mind? Diego Perez (aka his pen name Yung Pueblo) is a meditator, poet, writer, and NYT bestselling author who was on a dangerous path of drugs and self destruction. He went on a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat, and his world changed. He shares […]

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How a Podcast Can Scale Your Business – Allie Casazza & Julie Solomon

How can you grow your business with a podcast? Allie Casazza and Julie Solomon, podcasters and super online entrepreneurs both grew up with limiting beliefs about wealth and money. But they put in the work to rewrite those narratives, started putting out offers, and then created podcasts that took their business to 7 figures and […]

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Malcolm Gladwell & Bruce Headlam on the Miracle & Wonder of Paul Simon

What makes a human and artist like Paul Simon have such an incredible legacy? Malcolm Gladwell, bestselling author, Revisionist History podcast host, and Pushkin cofounder is back with writer and Broken Record cohost Bruce Headlam to reveal what they discovered about the Grammy award winning singer songwriter during the creation of their audio biography, Miracle […]

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Top 5 Regrets of the Dying – Bronnie Ware

How can you live life to the fullest? Bronnie Ware, bestselling author, speaker, and teacher was jumping between unfulfilling day jobs until she started working with terminally ill patients. Through deep conversations in their last moments of life, she discovered what they regretted most and made it her mission to share these lessons with the […]

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Dan Buettner on How to Live Longer, Healthier & Happier

How can you add more joy, purpose, and years to your life? Dan Buettner, founder of the Blue Zones, NYT bestselling author, National Geographic Fellow, and award-winning journalist set out to solve the mystery of what it takes to live into your 100s, and still have an excitement for life. He shares what kind of […]

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How to Manifest a Million Dollar Life

How can you break through your limitations and call in more abundance? Cathy shares an uplifting talk about how to get your ego out of the way when you sell, create magic through iteration and play, step into the energy you want to emit into the world, and shift into a more expansive full feeling […]

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A Powerful Coaching Call About How to Let Yourself Be Happy & Speak Your Truth

How can you drop the resistance that blocks you from happiness and making an impact? Cathy shares an inspiring coaching call about how to get out of your negative thought spiral, prevent your mind from jumping into fight or flight mode, allow your voice to be heard when you’ve been conditioned to stay quiet, and […]

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How My Student 10x Her Membership & Nearly Quadrupled Her Prices in One Year – Alissa Boyer

How do you start a membership, 10x the amount of members, and almost quadruple the price in just one year? Cathy shares an inspiring conversation with an alumni Alissa Boyer, who always felt she was dimming her light as a highly sensitive empath. She tells you how she was able to break through the fear […]

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