Listening to this podcast makes me feel loved. I can’t help but smile and feel inspired to go create the life of my dreams."



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Dr. James Doty on How to Use Mind Magic to Manifest New Possibilities

How can you take back the power over your mind and change your story? Dr. James Doty, founder and director of Stanford’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE), neurosurgeon, New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist is back to share the most important lessons from his new book, Mind Magic: The […]

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How to Allow in Abundance & Stretch Towards Your Next Level

How can you amplify your impact and stop letting your excuses get in the way? Cathy shares a coaching call with Karla, who grew a 6-figure business after taking one of Cathy’s programs. But now she wants to branch out her services, and she’s feeling stuck. You’ll learn how to get motivated to break through […]

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How to Make the Biggest Paradigm Shifts

How can you break through your upper limit and receive the abundance of opportunities in your path? Cathy shares a coaching call about how to expand your capacity for more than just the minimum, activate the magic in the person you’re meant to serve, set down shame and show up authentically, and treat yourself to […]

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Rabbi David Aaron on How to Tune into the Frequency of Love

How can you tune into love when sometimes it can seem so challenging? In honor of Passover, Rabbi David Aaron is back for a special discussion about what freedom truly means, how to move out of separation and into oneness, how to change the story you tell about yourself, and how to be a vessel for […]

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Anne Lamott on How to Practice Radical Self Love

How can you love and accept who you are? Anne Lamott, New York Times bestselling author of 20 books is back to share the tales and lessons from her newest book, Somehow: Thoughts on Love. She guides you on how to put on new glasses to see more blessing in the world, let down your […]

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Amber Lilyestrom on How to Ignite Your Dreams

How can you say yes to the dream and manifest what’s in your vision? Amber Lilyestrom, business mentor, branding strategist, author, keynote speaker, and podcast host is back to share how you can make podcasting hassle-free, why you should explore the things that make you feel shame, how to design an expansive life of ease, […]

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Tracy Litt on How to Be a Mind Magician

How can you signal safety to your nervous system so that you can manifest with ease? Tracy Litt, founder of The Litt Factor and The School of Becoming, science & spirituality teacher, bestselling author, and TEDx speaker is back to teach you how to give yourself permission to feel your feelings, how to direct your […]

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Gino Wickman on How to Unlock True Entrepreneurial Freedom & Fully Shine

How can you maximize your impact and inner peace? Gino Wickman, entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker, teacher, and founder of EOS Worldwide is back to share some of the most valuable lessons from his new book, Shine: How Looking Inward Is the Key to Unlocking True Entrepreneurial Freedom. He teaches you how to implement the 3 […]

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How to Grow a Profitable Podcast & How to Be an Amazing Podcast Interviewer

What does it take to have a successful podcast that also makes a profit? In this episode, Cathy first shares the behind the scenes of her interviewing process and her advice on how to overcome the fear of not having a perfect podcast. Then Stefanie Gass, podcaster and 7 figure podcast coach shares the ways […]

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Kate Northrup on How to Expand Your Capacity to Receive

How can you rewire the parts of your body that block you from receiving abundance? Kate Northrup, bestselling author, entrepreneur, and podcaster is back to share how to teach your dysregulated nervous system to be safe, why your expansion benefits others’ expansion, how to overcome the lies of separation and scarcity, and how to become […]

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Emily Fletcher on the Simple Formula for Manifestation & How to Allow More Pleasure

How do you plug into your infinite nature and raise your upper limit on feeling good? Emily Fletcher, founder of Ziva Meditation, meditation expert, author and podcaster thought she was living the dream when she made it on Broadway, but her wellbeing began deteriorate and she felt the saddest she had ever been. Then she […]

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Jamie Kern Lima on How to Build Unshakable Self Worth

How can you unlearn the lies you have around your worthiness? Jamie Kern Lima, founder of IT Cosmetics, New York Times bestselling author, investor, speaker, and philanthropist is back to share the lessons from her new book, Worthy. She teaches you how to believe that you are enough as you are, reframe rejection into a […]

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