Amber Lilyestrom on How to Ignite Your Dreams


How can you say yes to the dream and manifest what’s in your vision? Amber Lilyestrom, business mentor, branding strategist, author, keynote speaker, and podcast host is back to share how you can make podcasting hassle-free, why you should explore the things that make you feel shame, how to design an expansive life of ease, and how to take ownership of your dreams.

– Get your ticket to Cathy’s Her Turn to Podcast Summit at (prices go up April 20th!)

– Listen to Amber’s Ignite Your Dream Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts 
– Follow Amber on Instagram @amberlilyestrom

– Shoutout to our podcast alumni!
Ydaiber Orozco’s podcast, Rekindle Your Light: From Rock Bottom to Purpose and Authenticity
Trish Stanford’s podcast Awaken Wild One – Unleash your best life!
Angela Smith’s podcasts Accidentally Milf and The Paul Ryder Tapes
Lisa Roer’s podcast, Sunshine Cafe: Real Stories, Real People, Real Encouragement


  1. All of us here just want to be seen.
  2. Shame is a witness. It’s actually shining a light on a part of yourself that needs more attention and needs more love. Go into it even more. There’s so much wisdom in that cavern of exploration.
  3. Stop trying to be someone else. Go be your version. We’re all stars and planets in the sky, shining next to each other. The whole night sky together, the whole constellation is what makes it magnificent. And that’s what we’re here to be.
  4. Get on the 5G, get on the LTE. Send the signal out. The way you do that is by bringing more of your quirkiness and magnificence.
  5. Let’s go. Turn the lights on. We’re here to do really big work in this time, space, and reality – not 10 years from now, not in the next lifetime, but right now.
  6. Visions and dreams come before the resources every single time. You have to get in motion and say yes to the dream. Yes unlocks the how.
  7. Think of a time in your life when you were a baller. Own that swagger. Call up that version of yourself when you have to do brave things.
  8. If the dream is in you, it’s for you.

Thank you so much for listening!

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