Listening to this podcast makes me feel loved. I can’t help but smile and feel inspired to go create the life of my dreams."
How can you take your customer on a journey so they get to know, like, and trust you? Lauren McGoodwin, founder and CEO of the popular career website Career Contessa left her recruiting job to share the knowledge and tools she had accumulated to build a fulfilling career. She explains what kinds of products […]
How do you find the permission to let done be better than perfect? James Victore, artist, designer, and author of Feck Perfuction launched his career by expressing his true opinions in his work, and not apologizing for it. He shares how to start before you’re ready, how to experience life instead of cycling through […]
How can you evolve into a new career without leaving behind your other passions and identities? Sara Auster was a successful artist and musician when she encountered a life-changing injury. Instead of letting it paralyze her, she found alternative healing practices and combined her creativity into her newfound interest for sound baths and meditation. […]
How can you break the cycle of self sabotage and set yourself up for achievable wins? Jillian Michaels, fitness expert, best-selling author, podcaster, and top wellness entrepreneur has built a worldwide reputation of helping people hit their goals. She reveals why empathy is more effective than sympathy, how to create meaning through suffering, and […]
How do you build confidence to take action when you constantly feel like a fraud? Cathy shares how she’s dealt with that pesky impostor syndrome, how you can feed yourself with reminders of self worth, and how to replace the unattainable goal of providing “expertise” and “perfection” with empathy and authenticity – so you […]
How did a conversation on the couch transform into a popular newsletter with over 7 million subscribers? Carly Zakin and Danielle Weisberg, co-founders of theSkimm sacrificed sleep and financial comfort to make their daily newsletter become an empire, and their hustle paid off in huge dividends. They explain how they’ve fostered an intensely engaged […]
What are the key ingredients to starting and scaling a heart centered business? Cathy shares her masterclass on the 3 most important steps to transform that passion project into a living, including how to identify your creative offer, how to find your target audience, and how to build a super engaged community so you […]
How can you design work that is more meaningful through the act of giving and receiving? Adam Grant, best-selling author, TEDTalk speaker, organizational psychologist, professor, and host of the WorkLife podcast is on a mission to discover how we can make more purposeful, creative work in our lives. He reveals why you don’t have […]