Alli Webb Shares The Messy Truth of How She Sold Her Business for Millions but Almost Lost Herself


How can you embrace the messiness of the human experience? Alli Webb, founder of Drybar, serial entrepreneur, NYT bestselling author, and business advisor returns to discuss the journey documented in her new book, The Messy Truth, which involves selling her business, going through divorce and her son’s addiction, spiraling into depression, and piecing her life back together again. She shares how to navigate the wild pendulum of good days and bad days, how to stop seeking external validation, why it’s okay to admit you don’t have all the answers, how to have the courage to speak your truth, and how to wake up from being on autopilot so you don’t miss the important things in life.

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– Get Alli’s book, The Messy Truth: How I Sold My Business for Millions but Almost Lost Myself
– Follow Alli on Instagram @alliwebb


1. There’s good days. There’s bad days. Learn to accept that and live with that.
2. The validation that you’re searching for can only be found within yourself.
3. You don’t have to know everything in order to lead. It’s okay to admit that you don’t know all the answers.
4. Instead of going on autopilot, be more vigilant and aware of where you’re at. Do the work on yourself. Check in to make sure things are on track and you’re not missing things in your life.
5. Don’t worry about what people think. Some people are going to like what you say, and some people aren’t – and that’s cool. They can take it or leave it. Just show up and say, “This is me and this is who I am.” Always speak your truth.
6. There’s so much purpose in giving back and being of service to others.

Thank you so much for listening!

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