Amy Porterfield on How to Create a Successful Online Course & Change Your Life Forever


What does it take to create a successful online course that can completely transform your life? Amy Porterfield, 8 figure entrepreneur, online marketing and digital course expert, and podcaster figured out the formula to a winning course that can forever change a person’s income and impact. Her message and methods have helped hundreds of thousands, including Cathy who came across her course 7 years ago – and the rest is history. Amy shares how to overcome the fears and overwhelm that comes with building an online course, why you don’t need to be an expert in order to help someone else get results, how to hit your goals without a huge social media following or email list, how to find the time you don’t think you have, and how to trust that everything is happening for you.

– Sign up for Amy’s Course Confident Bootcamp!


  1. Do it messy. We’re not doing this perfect. We’re just making it happen and we’re going to get better and better over time.
  2. You don’t need to be the expert of all experts. You don’t have to be light years ahead. You only need a 10% edge. You only need to be 10% ahead of those you serve so you can show them the way.
  3. When you get a little bit niche, you can slice through all the noise.
  4. You do not need a huge email list or a huge social media following. You just need a sliver of the internet to start seeing success.
  5. It’s not a question of “do I have the time?” It’s a question of “what is my why? And is that going to drive me to find the time?” Ask yourself what do you want? Where do you want to go? What do you see for your future? What do you not want anymore? Get clear on your why. Because when you’re clear on your why, you make the time.
  6. Take a breath and remind yourself that everything is happening for you and when it is your time, it will come to you. Drop the desperate energy. Let it happen the way it should. You show up, you take one step forward, you do that first thing and it’s going to unlock a door. Opportunities that you didn’t even know exist are going to come your way.

Thank you so much for listening!

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