How to Have More Freedom in Your Life


How can you wake up every single day with a greater sense of freedom? In honor of the upcoming July 4th holiday, Cathy shares a talk about how to choose your own alignment, see beyond the narrative of your ego, have courage to walk a different path from everyone else, and move from divisiveness into oneness.

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1. We didn’t come to this world for a pile of things. We have much bigger dreams than that. Our deepest desire is an elevated state of bliss within. We want to be in our own being and feel full.
2. One of the biggest feelings of freedom is to wake up every day and see beyond what your ego sees, go beyond the narrative that the avatar sees.
3. We don’t need something outside of us for a feeling of inner peace. We need the feeling of inhabiting our own being. That is the most delicious feeling.
4. Freedom is choosing your alignment. That is your only job.
5. When we’re living authentically and sharing our truth regardless of what people think – all of that makes you feel so free, and often leads you to a tremendous amount of abundance.
6. We are one. The whole world is one. All there is is this one, beautiful geometric dance.
7. We’re never more powerful than we’re in a state of love.
8. You don’t have to keep choosing something just because you think that’s the only choice, or just because you think everyone else is choosing that. There’s so much more for us.
9. Oneness doesn’t mean sameness. It means loving all that is right, and appreciating all the different elements that make us this periodic table of different elements. That’s what makes it one and beautiful.

Thank you so much for listening!

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