Dr. Lisa Miller on How to Tap into Your Awakened Brain & Embark on a Spiritual Adventure


How can you access the great sacred force that’s in you and all around you? Dr. Lisa Miller, leading psychologist and scientist on spirituality & mental health, NYT bestselling author, psychology professor at Columbia University, and founder & director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute has dedicated her life’s work to the study of spirituality and its effects on our psychology, personal growth, and resilience. She shares how to foster spiritual connection in the next generation, how to turn low moments into opportunities to renew your higher power, how to turn on your awakened brain, and how to embrace the unpredictable and beautiful moments along your spiritual adventure.

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– Save your spot at Cathy’s retreat Sept. 10-12th in Boca Raton cathyheller.com/retreat

– Follow Dr. Lisa Miller on Instagram @dr.lisamiller
– Get Dr. Lisa Miller’s books, The Spiritual Child and The Awakened Brain at https://www.lisamillerphd.com/


1. We are innately spiritual beings. We are built to be in relationship, in alignment, in deep connection with the great sacred force in us, through us, and around us.
2. Invite your higher self, and ask you if you love you. Invite your higher power and ask if they love you. This is your counsel and they are always there for you. This is your inborn birthright. This is your awakened brain. It is the seat of transcendence and immanence. It is the seat of relational spirituality in all forms.
3. The child already sees. We don’t need to be great theologians. We need to honor the spirit in our children. If we’re transparent and walk the walk of our spiritual truth – that is the intergenerational transmission of spiritual life. We’re the ambassadors.
4. You don’t need to be perfect. In fact, it’s in the bumps in the road that we may have a particular opportunity to be the teacher.
5. Every disruption, every rupture between us humans needs a repair amongst us humans. But it also has a second layer, which is the realignment and renewal with higher power.
6. Step back from the stuck red door. Pivot and make that hairpin turn. Let the Trail Angel lead you to the wide open yellow door, where in your road of life radiates your higher power and your openness to be in dialogue with this great sacred force in us, through us and among us. You’ve been on a spiritual path, a sacred walk all along.
7. In our most painful empty moments, in our darkest moments – that is actually the ignition of the spiritual awakening through which we can realize our next station in life.
8. Your life is amazing. You are built to go on a spiritual adventure. There’s love that is so much bigger than anything that might have been fathomed. There’s beauty and sacred moments of how we show up for one another. Life is this incredible series of unpredictable, sacred moments of revelation.

Thank you so much for listening!

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