How can you relax and trust that the universe has your back? Rachel Platten, Emmy-winning singer songwriter and author is back to share the emotional journey of motherhood and learning to mother herself that inspired her to write her new single, Girls. Then Cathy answers questions about how to manifest wealth when you don’t have much money in your 3D reality, how to deal with people who constantly bring down your vibration, and how to unlock the door to your creativity and expansion.
– Only a few spots left for Cathy’s retreat in Florida, June 25-27th! Sign up at (plus you get a free ticket to her virtual retreat on June 5th)
– Join Cathy for her virtual retreat on June 5th
– Listen to Rachel’s beautiful new song, Girls
– Follow Rachel on Instagram @rachelplatten
1. When you are living authentically and you’re grateful, you don’t have to protect your energy. You project this energy that you are just a vibration of love. It’s an incredible place to manifest from.
2. Your job is to trust and receive. The rest is up to Gd.
3. Anything that we are experiencing is a reflection of what we are willing to allow into our life.
4. When you’re not in lack and busyness, you can access your creativity. You become a gift to yourself and the world.
5. The contrast is always here. So your responsibility is in your response. You should be looking all day long for a higher, better, elevated vibration.
6. You need to be in your now, in your joy, in your power. Your safety is in allowing yourself to feel so good in the moment that you unlock access to all that creativity and expansion. Then you’re just a fricking match for all this stuff to find you.
7. It gets to be exactly what you want it to be. But you have to listen to your soul. Keep asking, “What would really feel good? What really would excite me? I know it’s here.” You’ll be so surprised every single day by the thoughts that come into your awareness. And then you get led to the party.
Thank you so much for listening!
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