Ozan Varol on How to Awaken Your Genius, Escape Conformity & Become Extraordinary


How can you stop hiding what makes you different and tap into your genius? Ozan Varol, rocket scientist turned award-winning professor, bestselling author, and speaker is back to share the gems from his new book, Awaken Your Genius. He shares how to free yourself from the suffocation of conformity, why daydreaming is essential to creativity, how to overcome impostor syndrome and click on the opportunity that could change your life, and what it takes to become truly extraordinary.

– Come to Cathy’s retreat June 25-27 in Boca Raton! cathyheller.com/retreat

– Get Ozan’s new book, Awaken Your Genius: Escape Conformity, Ignite Creativity, and Become Extraordinary at http://geniusbook.net/
– Sign up for Ozan’s email list by texting “Ozan” to 55444 or at https://ozanvarol.com/
– Read Ozan’s first book, Think Like a Rocket Scientist https://geni.us/TLaRS


1. No one can compete with you at being you. You’re the first and the last time that you’ve ever happened.
2. Own your purple – because it’s a really beautiful thing. When you show your purple, you can attract the right type of people into your sphere.
3. Each of you has a huge treasure of wisdom within yourself, waiting to be explored. Every mistake you’ve made, every experience you’ve had, every part of your beautifully messy human existence, everything that makes you you is inside of you waiting to be tapped.
4. Originality consists of returning to the origin. Reconnect with your own origin story. Think back to your childhood and the things that brought you alive. What made you weird or different as a kid can make you extraordinary as an adult.
5. Daydreaming is essential to creativity. Let your mind wander. It’s not a waste of time at all. Your subconscious is hard at work, making associations, marrying the old and the new to create new ideas. Spend some time with you and your thoughts. It’s incredible the types of ideas that begin to come through.
6. Push yourself outside of the jail cell that you’ve created. You can open the door and leave.
7. Click that send button. It could change your life.
8. To become extraordinary, to be a genius means to become more like yourself. We each have a spirit attendant at birth in us, waiting to be awakened.

Thank you so much for listening!

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