Ralph Macchio on the Magic Behind The Karate Kid & Cobra Kai


How can you create a legacy like The Karate Kid? Ralph Macchio, actor (The Karate Kid, The Outsiders, Cobra Kai), Emmy nominated producer, and author entered the spotlight at a young age, but throughout the decades of highs and lows, he’s always managed to stay grounded in his truth, goodness, and integrity. He shares lessons from his new memoir, Waxing On, including how we can find more balance in our life, how unconditional love creates a soulful magic, how to create unity in divisive times, and how to find the courage to let your voice be heard.

– Get your ticket to Cathy’s 2 day in person event in LA, Oct. 20-21st! Cathyheller.com/dreams

– Get your copy of Ralph’s book, Waxing On: The Karate Kid and Me 
– Follow Ralph on Instagram @ralph_macchio
– Watch Cobra Kai on Netflix 


1. Soulful magic is created in unconditional love.
2. Let yourself be a vessel for the story and for the message.
3. When it’s that easy, maybe it’s meant to be.
4. Keep one foot in and one foot out. It’s about balancing it all.
5. Come from an organic place of truth.
6. Set aside the divisiveness and connect on a human level. We all can enjoy something together.
7. If you see something, say something. Put your own ego aside and step up.

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