Hal Elrod on Defying Death & Transforming Lives with the Miracle Morning


How can you put yourself in a peak emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual state each morning? Hal Elrod, international keynote speaker, author of The Miracle Morning, and podcaster has faced death twice in his life, but because he mastered his mindset and chose faith over fear, he survived to inspire others to elevate their lives. He teaches you how to master your morning, how to practice visualization that actually leads to results, what we got wrong about affirmations, how to avoid getting stuck in negative emotions, and how you can make your life a miracle.

– Join Cathy for her free 3 day podcasting bootcamp, Sept. 12-15th @ 9 am PT / 12 pm ET! Cathyheller.com/bootcamp

– Get The Miracle Morning book, app, and documentary at https://miraclemorning.com/
– Join The Miracle Morning Community Facebook Group
– Listen to Hal’s Podcast, Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod wherever you get your podcasts 
– Follow Hal on Instagram @hal_elrod


  1. How you start your day sets the tone, context and direction for how you show up to the rest of your day. Put yourself in a peak physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state so you can take on every aspect of your day as the best version of yourself.
  2. Visualize the ideal outcome. Get excited. And then rehearse the positive emotion you’ll feel as you walk through each activity. Picture the emotional outcome that is so compelling, that when it comes to doing the activity you won’t think twice about it.
  3. Observing your mind and being in witness consciousness is transformative. Your mind can be freaking crazy but you are not your mind. You are not your body, your name, your age. You are the one who notices it all.
  4. Our most brilliant insights and our wisdom emerges in silence.
  5. Affirm what you’re committed to. Affirm why it’s a must for you and why you are committed. Then affirm what you’re committed to doing and when.
  6. You are just as worthy, deserving, and capable of everything that you want as any other person on earth. Life is just waiting for you to believe it, act on it, and prove it.
  7. You are extraordinary. You are a miracle. We are all drops in the ocean that is Gd. There is no separation.
  8. If you have something that can change one person’s life, then you have a responsibility to share it. It’s not about you.
  9. Practice acceptance. You can’t change what has already happened, so learn from it and move on.

Thank you so much for listening!

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