How to Feel Good All the Time & Be a Match for Abundance – A Sneak Peek of My Retreat!


Is it really possible to feel good all the time? Cathy shares a couple juicy pieces from her retreat about why we’re designed to have a fully joyful and fun life, how to be a vibrational match for abundance, how to recognize resistance as an opportunity for expansion, and how you can turn your dream into a reality in just one day.

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1. We are supposed to feel good all the f-ing time. Everything in nature is designed to be in its fullest, brightest, most incredible potential energy all the time. This life is supposed to be really good. It’s supposed to be really fun.
2. Disconnect and unhook from your ego’s grip. Connect to source, to the I am. Let the source energy flow in.
3. We need contrast to expand and grow. Those moments are gifts so we can keep leveling up.
4. You’re not responsible for someone else’s outcome. They’re the hero of their own story.
5. You are infinite. You are abundant. That’s why you’re a match for it. This part of you extends in all directions, for all times, is, was and will be.
6. When you step in and claim it, you will heal and help generations of women. See them rise. You moving into that vibration moves the ocean, gives them permission, and puts them back in alignment.
7. The more you put out there, the more it comes right back. And the more you receive, the more your ego shrinks and your soul takes flight.
8. We don’t get what we want. We get what we are. When we’re plugged into source, it ain’t no big deal because you’re a reflection of the infinite.

Thank you so much for listening!

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