Justin Baldoni on the Show That Changed His Life & Undefining Masculinity


How can we recognize that we already have the power and love that we desire? Justin Baldoni, award-winning filmmaker, actor, entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, and podcaster became well known for his role as Rafael on “Jane the Virgin”, but his most life changing and fulfilling work has been from creating his documentary series “My Last Days” about terminally ill patients’ perspective on living, and then starting the global “Man Enough” movement to reexamine the meaning of masculinity. He shares how we can get out of our own way, why we should approach death with excitement, why power is an illusion, and how to let yourself become a feather in Gd’s wind.

– Apply for Cathy’s mastermind! Cathyheller.com/mastermind

– More info about Justin and Man Enough at https://manenough.com/
– Get your copy of Justin’s book, Man Enough: Undefining My Masculinity (comes out in paperback on May 3rd!) https://amzn.to/3s5hFu9
– Listen to Justin’s podcast, Man Enough https://manenough.com/podcast/
– Follow Justin on Instagram and Twitter @justinbaldoni
– Thanks Shopify! For a free 14 day trial and full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features go to shopify.com/dreamjob


1. Every human being is endowed with a unique capacity that only that person has.
2. It always starts with intuition.
3. Choose to be a feather in the wind, going wherever Gd takes you.
4. There’s more to this life. This isn’t the end. It’s the beginning.
5. Prepare for death as you would prepare for any journey – with excitement, with longing. Where death takes us is a new life that is far more incredible and beautiful than we can ever imagine here.
6. We’re small, but our purpose is big. Gd’s love for us is infinite.
7. Power is an illusion. Who you are, as you are, is already powerful.

Thank you so much for listening!

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