Scott O’Neil on 3 Characteristics of Successful People


What does it take to thrive in your life, relationships and career? Scott O’Neil, author, speaker, and former CEO of Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment is one of the most recognized executives in the sports and entertainment industry – but he’s now on a mission to develop the next generation of leaders. He shares how you can initiate change when you assume positive intent, practice gratitude every day, appreciate the highs and lows of life’s journey, and be the teammate that leads your team to success.

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1. Gratitude is the fuel of our lives.
2. The world will send you the people who need to hear from you.
3. Be where you are.
4. API – assume positive intent. Go into life with compassion, empathy, and love.

5. Successful people work unreasonably hard, are intellectually curious, and are extraordinary teammates.
6. There’s abundance in the world.
7. Put life back on the horizon a little bit. Not everything will be given to you today.
8. Life is an incredible journey that we’re on. All the fun happens on the way up.


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