5 Steps to $5k Months – Part 1


How can you make $5k/month? In part 1 of this workshop, Cathy shares how to rewrite the story you have about money, allow in abundance so you can create it for other people, free yourself from the shame of rejection, and stop letting other people’s experience hold you back from moving forward.

– Join the Happiness Habit Workshop this Thursday Nov. 4th @ 10 am PST! cathyheller.com/happy

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1. It starts with who you’re supposed to be. Shift your energy.
2. Money is the exchange of energy. It’s just a means of telling a story.
3. The more abundance you plug into, you give and you receive, the more money and abundance you create for everyone around you. Your job is to get out of the way and make room for allowing.
4. You’re called forth to flourish. It’s time to make more space for that.
5. Instead of thinking “It’s too hard. It’s not going to happen…” Start with asking “What if? What if making money from my offers gets to be easy? What if there are tons of people who can’t wait to say yes? What if money flows freely to me, as generously as I give and serve?”
6. Marketing is communicating. Sales is you telling one very clear story to one other person.
7. It’s not a problem that rejection happens. It’s a problem when we think it’s a problem.
8. You get to show up in your integrity. You get to do your best and just let people have their experience.

Thank you so much for listening!

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