5 Essential Tips on How to Sell with Heart – Alison Prince


How can you turn your fear of selling into a passion for service? Alison Prince, serial online entrepreneur, podcaster, and coach returns to the podcast to share her STARS formula for moving forward, the 3-way win triangle that helped her get her first customers (without any ads!), and how to reframe the idea of selling so you can serve more people and transform their lives.

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1. Entrepreneurship is about being resourceful, not having lots of resources.
2. Make Gd, the Universe your business partner. Because when you get down, you have to have someone who can see more than you, open more opportunities than you, and show you a window when you’re staring at the wall.
3. It’s okay to start things slow. Do whatever you can to build consistency into your business.
4. Numbers don’t lie. They tell us the truth. They tell us which direction to go.
5. What you sell today doesn’t define you in 10 years.
6. Don’t sell what the product is. Sell what it does. Sell the vision.
7. It’s your moral obligation to serve people. You have to learn how to make money to bless other people’s lives.


Thank you so much for listening!

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