Sheri Salata on Transformation & Turning a Beautiful No into a 20 Year Career with Oprah Winfrey


How do you design the life that you want? Sheri Salata, author of The Beautiful No, former Executive Producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show and President of Harpo Studios is back on the podcast to help you walk on the path of transformation. She shares her advice on how to lean into ease, free yourself from shame, change your language to reclaim your happiness, and use esteemable practices to honor yourself.

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1. All no’s have a quality of beauty about them. The mastery we’re seeking is to understand that in the moment and waste no time in the dance of disappointment. Take a day to cry and then realize the universe has something really special in store for you.
2. As long as you’re breathing and your heart is beating, you are in the process of transformation.
3. When the chips are down and your back is against the wall, bet on yourself.
4. This life is the gift you’ve been given. It’s yours to design.
5. Achievement and worth are not the same thing.
6. Shame and light cannot coexist. Share your story and it will set you free.
7. Ask yourself what do you want right now? Your job is to find out what do I want now and make happiness your compass
8. There’s no one who knows more than you do.
9. Add esteemable practices and ceremony in your life. Honor yourself.


Thank you so much for listening!

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