How Phil Rosenthal Celebrates Humanity through Everybody Loves Raymond & Somebody Feed Phil


How does a comedic genius turn real life into a legacy on screen? Phil Rosenthal, Emmy Award winning TV writer, producer, and creator of hit shows like Everybody Loves Raymond and Somebody Feed Phil has always loved celebrating real life and real characters on screen. He shares how your lowest moments can open the doors to opportunity, how funny ideas are created, how to find happiness in your pursuit of the dream, and what connects us all as citizens of this world.

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1. Write your own ticket.
2. Give yourself license to try new ideas. Then look at what works and doesn’t work.
3. All we have is what we are. and what we are is everything that’s happened to us filtered to the way we think.
4. You might think you have nothing special to offer. But you make it special by telling the truth.
5. All of us have blessings hidden in the little things.
6. Pay it forward. When you’re blessed, you have the responsibility to do what you can.
7. We are all citizens of the world. It belongs to everybody.
8. You are the biggest thing in your way. Nobody else can stop you from making, writing, or doing.
9. The pursuit of what you want is enough to be happy. There’s nothing more fun than saying “I’m working on this.”


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