Onsite’s Miles Adcox on the Power of Saying the Unsaid & Creating a Life Changing Retreat


How do you create a week long experience that can end up shifting someone’s life completely? Miles Adcox, CEO and owner of Onsite has helped build and facilitate a unique space of ultimate kinship and empathy where people can dive into their inner work and walk away with an awakened sense of self. He shares why we need to say the unsaid, how to gather 20 seconds of courage, how your 2 degree change can land you in a completely new destination, and why it’s important to practice taking the wrong steps if we want to make the right ones.

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1. Talk. And listen.
2. We shouldn’t try to eliminate our fears. We should change our relationship with it. Invite it to have a seat at the table and learn to interact with them differently. You have the power to understand and embrace everything.
3. You don’t need a 180 degree change. It just takes a subtle two degree change over time. It’s more sustainable, and you will end up in a way different point in a much more graceful way.
4. Say the unsaid. We have a subconscious narrative we’re trying to protect. When we speak it, we get to change it.
5. Don’t bypass the analytics and the ability to process. But once you do that, you need to take a step and practice making it the wrong step. Wrong steps are the strength conditioning for future risk.
6. Make some nontraditional moves and trust your gut.


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