Amy Purdy’s Story of Overcoming the Hardest Challenges, Winning Paralympic Medals & Breaking Records on Dancing with the Stars


How do you find your resilience when the challenges in front of you seem impossible to overcome? Amy Purdy, 3x paralympic medalist, motivational speaker, and bestselling author lost both her legs, her kidneys, and was given a 2% chance to live at just 19 years old. After fighting death, she made it her mission to live her best life and inspire others to do the same. She sheds a light on how to be creative during challenging times, accept the scars that make you who you are, and have faith that even though we don’t know why anything is happening, it will all make sense in the end.


1. When you are being you, not covering it up, and sharing yourself with the world…you are making an impact. It comes from the inside.
2. Step outside of the situation, and see the big picture. See where this could eventually lead, what you could learn, and how you can help others from this.
3. Everything is temporary. Everything is constantly moving. It’s always going to change
4. Find a way. If it doesn’t exist, create it. Anything is possible. There are no barriers.
5. We won’t know why things are happening, or what to do to get through it, but we have to have faith that it will all make sense in the end.
6. We all have more potential than we’ll ever even know.
7. The confidence comes when you get started. When you make mistakes, figure out what to do better next time and keep going.
8. If your life was a book and you were the author, how would you want your story to go? Believe that you can make that vision happen.


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