How do you free yourself from the pain of your past and give yourself permission to be imperfect? Cathy shares a coaching call from our 2020 Vision Challenge that helps you find the courage to dream again, step out of the shadows of your old identity, and treat yourself with radical empathy so you can get into messy action towards the work you’re supposed to contribute.
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1. You have been assigned to make this world more whole. There are no extras.
2. Give yourself permission and the grace to be messy and mediocre so you can do the work that you are supposed to do.
3. In order to be successful we need radical RADICAL empathy. It starts with empathy for yourself.
4. It takes a heroic effort to dream again.
5. Show up for people and make a difference.
6. You are put here to serve. You are each a masterpiece, a piece of the master.
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