Ryan Holiday on Obstacles, Ego & Finding Stillness in the Process


How can you add more stillness in your every day, and what possibilities can that unfold? Ryan Holiday, bestselling author, blogger, podcaster, and media strategist has been able to create masterpiece after masterpiece by focusing on the process instead of the results. He shares how to turn your obstacles into your advantage, how to detach your ego from the outcome, how to find stillness in the process, and why you need to be willing to share the work you create.

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– More of Ryan Holiday at Ryanholiday.net, dailystoic.com and dailydad.com


1. We don’t control anything outside of us, but we control what we do with that. Make the best out of what you have in front of you.
2. Focus on the process. Just do your job and the immediate task in front of you.
3. Accept it without arrogance and let it go with indifference. Keep an even keel.
4. It’s not about you, it’s about the larger thing you accomplish.
5. A life is not important except for its impact on other lives.
6. Eliminate things that prevent you from having stillness. Don’t wait for it to happen accidentally.
7. Sometimes it’s doing something with everything you have that creates a kind of nothing.
8. If you’re not willing to share what you’re doing, what is that saying about the work you did?


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