The Right Questions That Can Radically Change Your Results – James Wedmore


How do you create a 7-figure business by listening to your heart? James Wedmore, entrepreneur, business coach, and host of the Mind Your Business Podcast went from a broke bartender to a multimillion dollar online mentor, but he realized that money wasn’t worth anything if it didn’t also bring fulfillment. He teaches you how to validate your idea by selling first, how asking better questions can radically change your results, how to provide immeasurable value by changing the way we see the world, and how to let yourself be guided by what you love and let the money follow.

– Listen to James’s Mind Your Business Podcast!

– Watch the full interview on video

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  1. We take for granted that which comes easy to us. But what if the thing that comes easy to us is what we’re here to share with the world?
  2. Love is the indicator that you’re doing what you’re put here to do.
  3. When you’re improving the quality of lives, the money does follow.
  4. Get proof of concept as soon as possible. The truest form of validation is when someone pays you for what you have to offer.
  5. The biggest way to provide value and leave a lasting impression is to change the way someone sees the world.
  6. You don’t need clarity on the whole picture. You just need clarity on the essence of the direction you’re going.
  7. The transformation you make in someone’s life begins with the transaction. Selling is a tool for service.
  8. The only reason you’re not getting thing you want is because there’s a lesson you have yet to learn. Be a good student to your own life.


Thank you so much for listening!

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