How to Redefine Your Worth – Amber Lilyestrom


How can you find your worth when you’re surrounded by doubt and pain? Amber Lilyestrom, business coach, author, speaker, and podcaster has used her trauma to rise towards her life’s work in helping other people ignite their souls. She shares how to redefine your worth, gain clarity on the life you deeply desire, get into the awareness of who you want to serve, and let your genius shine through generous value.

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  1. Failure is not an option. Failure is feedback.
  2. Envision your ideal day. What would the perfect day look like from the moment you wake up
  3. Trust yourself enough to try things out.
  4. Be generous. When you give value and offer help, you won’t have to prove yourself through a pitch.
  5. There’s only one you. When you’re brave enough to be fully you, you will find your people. You connect by being yourself.
  6. Marketing is just testing. You get to tweak it as you go.
  7. You are worth more than any dollar figure you charge.


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