From Idea to Winning Shark Tank in One Year – Jenny Goldfarb


How did a passion to solve a pain result in a 6 figure deal with Mark Cuban? Jenny Goldfarb, founder of Mrs. Goldfarb’s Unreal Deli began exploring her love for vegan food without any clue how it could become a business. She shares how she simplified her cold calling outreach to get more responses, what questions she asked herself that helped her find more customers, how she ended up winning the hearts of the Shark Tank judges, and how to embrace the darkness to shine your light. 

– Check out Jenny’s amazing vegan corned beef!

– Watch the clip of Jenny’s pitch on Shark Tank

– RSVP to the Nashville event with Cathy and Jeff Goins

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  1. You don’t need the entire road map in front of you. You just know where you’re going next.
  2. Ask yourself, “Who is my audience? Where are they? What are they willing to pay?”
  3. Some of us just take the snacks on the first floor. But when you do the work and push hard at what you’re meant to do, the universe conspires with you to make it easy.
  4. This world is a world of duality, brokenness, and suffering so that we can fix it.
  5. We have something to offer in this moment and time, or else we wouldn’t be here.
  6. Just a little ray of goodness injects a lot of light into an otherwise dark place.


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