Barbara Corcoran’s Stellar Advice on How to Grow a Successful Business


How much could you achieve if you stop overanalyzing and start taking action? Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group, Shark Tank judge, and podcast host jump started her legendary real estate empire by relying on her resourcefulness, scrappiness, and deep hunger to prove the doubters wrong. She shares why your street smarts are more valuable than credentials, how to expand your business exponentially by spending money, why it’s a good sign when you hit a roadblock, and how to make your customers love you.

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  1. If you hit a wall, then you’re on the right path. You don’t get anywhere without coming up against obstacles.
  2. You don’t have to get it right. You just have to get it going.
  3. It’s not about the product, the service – it’s about how much your customers love you. Service them well, be on their side, charm their pants off. Make them love your work.
  4. You don’t need to be the smartest. Credential is created in the street.
  5. Pursue action to change your attitude and get rid of the old tapes that play in your head.
  6. Your best business plan is to rewrite how you do your business every day of your life.
  7. Money is meant to be spent.
  8. A true leader works for their people.


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