Cathy Helps Two Listeners See What’s Possible



How much action can you take when you realize what is possible in your future? Cathy helps a listener who is struggling to make sales with her sticker business, and another listener who is feeling depleted from juggling too many passion projects. She shares her advice on how to cultivate engagement around your creations, how to grow through collaboration, how to raise your upper limit, and why creating a space for breakthroughs is priceless.

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  1. Create a new possibility.

  2. Make activities around your offer. Get people involved.

  3. Curate and collaborate. You don’t have to build this alone.

  4. People are desperate for a breakthrough. Those awakenings are priceless.

  5. You can’t move forward unless you give yourself permission first. It’s you who’s in the way.

  6. Help the smallest viable group who want to pay the premium price. They’re the ones who will commit to get the result.

  7. You don’t have to work so hard. Just own your magic. It’s enough.

  8. Your life begins here.


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