Why You’ll Never Have To Sell Anything Again – Laura Belgray



How can your words be more authentically you, feel less salesy, and resonate deeply with your audience? Laura Belgray, copy expert, founder of Talking Shrimp, and co-creator of the Copy Cure course with Marie Forleo is back to reveal more secrets and strategies about writing copy that pops. She shares how to create compelling emails and headlines, how to let your personality shine in your story, and how your words can cure the pains and fulfill the desires of your tribe.

– Join the Copy Cure with Laura & Marie Forleo! https://thecopycure.com/

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– Download the free cheat sheet from this episode https://dont-keep-your-day-job.mykajabi.com/laura-belgray-returns

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  1. You have a monopoly on being you. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine.

  2. When people get to know, like, and trust you – you can pivot your business anywhere and they’ll stay along for the ride.

  3. Use original details to illustrate the story that people will respond to.

  4. Figure out who you want to serve. What are their pain points and desires? What can you say that makes them go, “Yes, that is me!”

  5. Create curiosity, tension, and intrigue in your language.

  6. Open up a blank document. Come up with 50 different ways to say the same thing. Let it be messy.

  7. Be prolific and be consistent. Nurture that relationship.

  8. Ask your audience to talk about themselves – then just respond.

  9. You’ll always provide value if you can use words powerfully that engage and speak to your community.


Thank you so much for listening!

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