How to Make Your Creativity Your Career – Andy J. Pizza



How does your creative chaotic mind evolve into a creative career? Andy J. Pizza, illustrator and host of the ultra-inspiring Creative Pep Talk Podcast grew up feeling untalented and unappreciated for his wild and weird spirit. But after discovering that there could be a path for lost artistic souls, he found a way to turn his creative taste into a profession. He’s on a mission to empower you so you can stop the black-and-white thinking, let yourself have fun, seek the rare resource that you have to offer, and shine it into the world. 

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  1.  The foundation for great art is built with great taste. We can develop great creative taste by being open to new experiences.

  2. Stop waiting for Hagrid or the fairy art mother to show up. Look in the mirror and figure out what magic is inside of you.

  3. Do some research, take some guesses, and take a swing. If you’re right, keep going. If you’re wrong, don’t give up. Just pivot. 

  4. Don’t make what you want to make. Make something that creates an emotion and makes people say, “I HAVE to buy this.”

  5. Your gift is often developed on the search to find it. 

  6. Change the goal. It’s not about doing it perfectly. It’s about having a good time.

  7. You can be amazing at swimming and amazing at jousting. That’s ultimately how you’ll thrive.

  8. Create content that will lead to the opportunities you envision. The more layers of value you add, the more it’ll spread.

  9. You are one of the rarest resources on the planet. Nothing is more rare than you. So commit to find your gift, develop it, and shine it out in the world.


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