How to Make a Creative Blueprint – Jim Henson Company’s Halle Stanford



How can you envision, plan, and play with your ideas so they become reality? Halle Stanford, President of Television at the legendary Jim Henson Company always had a love for entertaining and educating children through content, and she’s always been a big dreamer. She shares how to prepare to pitch your story to the gatekeepers of your audience, how to keep persevering after rejection, and how to create content that stands out, while also staying true to yourself.

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  1. Know your audience.

  2. Always go back to “Why am I doing this?”

  3. Don’t be afraid to take risks, to be the misfit and to be the dreamer.

  4. Look at where you can fill a need.

  5. When you get rejected, take the note and keep going.

  6. Great content begins with passion and is built with great chemistry.

  7. Understand and get to know the company you’re pitching to. Do your research.

  8. Make a creative blueprint. And then SHARE IT with someone.

  9. It’s okay to have down moments. You’ll push through them. But when you have victories – big or small – you better celebrate them.


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