How A Compliment Turned a Teacher into an Entrepreneur – Melissa Camilleri



How much impact can you have just by giving a compliment? Melissa Camilleri, founder of Compliment, was a high school teacher who never intended on becoming an entrepreneur. But after realizing the power that one little compliment had on her students, she created an entire business dedicated to uplifting and empowering others. She shares her insights on what compliments we crave the most, how to find your tribe and grow your email list through authentic conversation, and how to make people feel like they truly matter.

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  1. Connect to your why. Be clear on what you want to do besides the creation. Make it a vehicle for a larger purpose.

  2. Build your community. Use every free channel you have. Talk to the people who you know will care.

  3. Give authentic sentiments and compliments to other people. We gravitate to where we can receive encouragement.

  4. People want to hear that they matter – but more importantly, WHY they matter.

  5. Tell someone you love about a thing they do that doesn’t always get praised, but it still really awesome.

  6. You don’t need 50 billion followers. You only need a handful of followers that really care about your gift to them.

  7. Engage your community. Leave a compliment and a question.

  8. You matter, you matter, you matter.

  9. Even if someone else is already out there doing your thing, you’re here for a reason. You have your own unique story.

  10. What breaks your heart so much…that you will actually do something about it? That is your purpose.




  • Did you know? We’re uploading TWO episodes a week! If you have a question, win, or comment that we should share on our Thursday episodes, contact us via:

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