What is the Third Door – Alex Banayan



How has the third door helped leaders like Bill Gates, Maya Angelou, and Steven Spielberg climb their way to the top of their careers? Alex Banayan, bestselling author of The Third Door has spent the last seven years finding his own unconventional ways to track down the world’s greatest thinkers and ask them about the keys to their success. He sheds a light on how to unlock that third door, why you need the “inside man,” how to write an outreach email that guarantees a response, and how to keep going when you’re on the verge of giving up the dream.

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  1. There’s always a third door. There’s always a way in.

  2. Being courageous means you acknowledge your fears, analyze the consequence…and still decide to take that step forward.

  3. At some point, everyone has felt like giving up. You’re not alone.

  4. It’s not just about what you want to do – but who will risk their reputation to help you through the door. Find that inside person.

  5. Invest your time for connections and knowledge in the long term.

  6. It’s not about kissing the same frog 100 times and hoping it’ll be a prince. Try a different species.

  7. When you fall flat on your face – remember your why.

  8. Take a nap. Give yourself a day off.

  9. If you can change what you believe is possible, then you’ll never be the same.

  10. Get a notebook. Start that 30 day challenge. Focus on what drains you, what excites you, and what you learned today.



“Hi [NAME],

I know you’re incredibly busy and you get a lot of emails, so this will only take 60 seconds to read.

[1-2 sentences about who you are and your credibility that’s relevant to the recipient]

[1-2 sentences max about your specific question for that person that they can answer easily (i.e. what book would you recommend for an aspiring author?]

I totally understand if you’re too busy to reply. Even a one or two line response will totally make my day.

All the best,

  • Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series

  • Build your credibility by writing a column on Medium or LinkedIn

  • Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook

  • Story of Qi Lu, president of Microsoft (NY Times)

  • The 30 day challenge – Do this every day for 30 days, NO SKIPPING!

  • Buy a fresh notebook

    1. Set a timer for 15 minutes.

    2. Answer these 3 questions

  1. What excited me today?

  2. What drained me of energy?

  3. What did I learn about myself today?


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