How do you build the courage to keep walking in the dark when there’s so much uncertainty? Ruth Soukup, blogger, best-selling author, and podcast host of Do It Scared had hit rock bottom in her struggle with mental health. But she took step by step to pull herself out, and eventually run a multi-million dollar business. She sheds a light on the best practices for entrepreneurs, including how to set a price that serves you and your customers, how to build your team from your very first hire, how to free yourself from the paralyzing overwhelm and voices, and how to focus on living again.
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There is hope.
Create the products that people ask for. Look at what resonates with your audience and give them what they want.
Don’t be afraid to sell. When you underprice your product or service, you are doing a disservice to your customers.
Action is the antidote to fear. Do it scared.
Your offer doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to serve someone.
You don’t have to know everything. But know how to hire the person who can help you.
Systematize your business. Teach it to someone else, and focus on what you really love to do.
Take a personal retreat.
Focus on how to live, instead of everything that’s wrong.
When you’re stuck, just start walking somewhere, even if you don’t see the light. Do something different, and see where that leads you.
Follow Ruth Soukup on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter
Listen to Do It Scared Podcast
Elite Blog Academy
Ruth’s books
If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
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