
Mother’s Day is coming up (May 13 – mark your calendars!) so we want to highlight the powerful women who have shared their incredible stories and valuable advice on Don’t Keep Your Day Job. Enjoy these inspiring quotes that have led these phenomenal ladies towards a life that they love.


1. “You deserve this. Even if there’s a day you didn’t show up and work hard, you are still completely worthy of good things.” – Amy Porterfield

2. “It’s all about having fun.” – Bobbi Brown

3. “Make the decisions, learn from mistakes and learn from successes. Keep running because no matter what, it’ll be okay.” – Jasmine Star

4. “Wipe your own ‘buts.’ And just do it.” – Christina Scalera

5. “See yourself the way the world sees you, which is far more beautiful, far more talented, far more capable, far more impressionable than you would ever recognize.” – Jenna Kutcher

6. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” – Tamara Mellon

7. “You don’t have to be perfect. Don’t let great be the enemy of good.” – Mignon Fogarty

8. “Take action that scares the crap out of you every single day.” – Jen Sincero

9. “A person’s success is often determined by how long they spent feeling sorry for themselves. Stop the ‘Oh woe is me.’ Cut it out.” – Jenna Fischer

10. “Everything, everything, everything is possible.” – Shelli Valera

11. “Say what you want.” – Trina Turk

12. “Be there 100% or die trying.” – Mandy Moore

13. “One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy. And one of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself.” – Gretchen Rubin

14. “Joy is its own excuse for being.” – Martha Beck

15. “You are enough.” – Cathy Heller

Want to hear more super inspirational quotes? Find full interviews here.

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