How to Build Your Creative Empire – Christina Scalera



What essential ingredients will kickstart your creative business? How do you begin to create content and find your ideal audience? Christina Scalera, attorney, founder of The Contract Shop, and host of the Creative Empire Podcast has the insights on constructing your dream career – and making it legal. She shares her best tips on how to give your audience both what they want and what they need, how to increase revenue by working less, why a little vanity can be healthy, and how to change your “but” mentality.

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  1. Work smarter, not harder.

  2. You don’t have to launch 5 things at once. Get one thing in place, do it well, and then move on to the next thing.

  3. Reframe the conversation about contracts. Get excited about the relationships, expectations, and end results that you’re bringing to life.

  4. Give people a combination of what they want and what they need.

  5. You will find your tribe once you start creating the content.

  6. Put passion and enthusiasm in your content. That will resonate most with your audience.

  7. Wipe your own “buts”. And just do it.

  8. Do the smallest thing possible to get one step closer. Even if that means going live at midnight when no one is watching.

  9. If it’s more painful to keep it inside than it is to fail, that’s when you know you were meant to do it.




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