Happy 2018! So you’ve got the “New Year, New You” dream in mind, but how can you actually stick to your resolutions? How can you create actionable, achievable goals that will lead you towards your purpose? Cathy shares her best tips on making this year a success, including what questions will help define your goals, where to find accountability, why failed attempts aren’t failures, and which simple trick has been proven to result in a healthier, wealthier, and happier you.
Get your free New Year’s Goal Setting Worksheet here
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Write down your goals – what do you want? And why do you want it? Be specific.
Purpose is the opposite of depression.
You are enough. Don’t sell your dream short.
You are your best resource.
Alignment is the new hustle. Trust that you’ll be led to your calling.
Energy is your greatest resource.
The past doesn’t predict the future. Your decisions do.
Take responsibility for your happiness.
Prioritize what’s important and raise your own standards.
Don’t break the chain.
Failure isn’t failure if you succeed in stepping outside your comfort zone.
You’ve got this.
Download the free New Year’s Goal Setting Worksheet
The many different careers of the Barbie Doll
Read more on Freud’s theory of the id, the ego, and the superego
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