How to Direct a Work-Life Balance – Maggie Kiley



Director Maggie Kiley (Scream Queens, Dial A Prayer, Some Boys Don’t Leave) bulked up her resume with short films and indie movies that starred acclaimed actors Jesse Eisenberg, William H. Macy, and Allison Janney. But even that wasn’t enough to land a directing job on a network television show. Find out how having humility and moving her career backwards led to an opportunity with Ryan Murphy, how she maintained a work-life balance as a young mother, and how she uses her “why” to stay positive throughout times of doubt.

  Photos by Jennifer Reinstein

Photos by Jennifer Reinstein


  1. You don’t need to know all the answers. You just have to be willing to figure it out.

  2. Don’t be afraid to pick up a book.

  3. Don’t wait for someone to hand you an opportunity. Create the work yourself.

  4. Have humility and confidence.

  5. You need a why – and that why should make you happy.





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