5 Years of Marriage


Tomorrow we are going to celebrate our 5 year anniversary! I cannot believe it has already been 5 years. Time goes by so fast. Our actual anniversary is on Valentines Day, but we never celebrate on Valentine’s Day becasue every body is out on that day. So, tomorrow we are going to the Dallas World Aquarium (I have always wanted to go) and then we are staying at the hotel where we stayed for our honeymoon. 🙂

Daniel, hmmm, what can I say about him. He is smart, goofy, and the sweetest guy I’ve ever met! He puts up with me, takes care of me when I can’t get out of bed, and he fixes everything that I break. He does not like having his picture taken so I don’t have a ton of photos of him. But I did manage to get a few of him smiling at our New Years party. He also doesn’t like me talking about him on here so he probably will not like this post.

I am so blessed to be his wife! I fall more in love with him every day. I am grateful that God brought us together. I grew up with Daniel, he was my brother’s best friend. When I was 10 I never would have guessed that I would marry him one day. At that point he was like an annoying big brother to me. It is so strange to look back on those years.

So, this is my last blog post till next week. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!!!

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