Listening to this podcast makes me feel loved. I can’t help but smile and feel inspired to go create the life of my dreams."



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It’s Tomorrow!!

My new website and brand launch is tomorrow!! I cannot believe how quickly the time went. It has been a ton of work, but I am so glad to have a website that I enjoy looking at. 🙂 Tomorrow I will talk more about what all went into my new site and logo. For now […]

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New Brand Coming soon…..

Oh my goodness! I am so sorry for my absence. I can’t believe it is March, this is the month of craziness. March is one of the busiest times of the year for me. In addition to that, I am getting ready to launch my new brand!!! 🙂 I will probably not be blogging much […]

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My Biggest Weakness

When I decided to become a photographer full-time I was completely unaware of what all was involved. As most people think, I thought I just had to take photos. Well, going on 3 1/2 years now I have come to realize that to be successful you have so much more to do than to just […]

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The Branding Continues …

Sorry, I have been silent on here the past few days. I have been working hard on my new logo! I am planning on launching my new brand in March! Wow, that is next month! I have a lot of work to do! I have decided on my colors and I think I have finished […]

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Branding Ideas

I have been researching since August for the best way for me to get branded. I need a logo and I want my website and blog to reflect who I am and reflect the experience of my photo shoots. I want it to be fun and vibrant!! Right now the colors I have are dull. […]

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Exciting news!!!

Ok, so this all happened so fast that it is just now sinking in! I am getting a new lens!!! I wasn’t planning on buying any lenses this year, but a deal came up that I just couldn’t pass up. I have been wanting it for a couple years now, and so has Daniel. We […]

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New camera bag! {Copper River Bags}

Those of you who know me know that I am a bag lady!! But not a crazy bag lady, well, maybe. 🙂 The most important bag for me is the one that carries my gear! I want to make sure my camera is protected and safe. So, I got a new camera bag!! I was […]

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