Embark on a transformative journey with The Abundance Method, a comprehensive program designed to support you along your spiritual journey with the tools necessary to change your energy and bend the 3D reality to manifest quickly.

is a one-of-a-kind 12 week implementation program that not only teaches you how to master the practices that allow you to embody presence and navigate resistance but also empowers you to harness the power of energy and align with your higher self for profound manifestation.


If you’re a seeker ready to tap into boundless abundance, release scarcity mindset, and welcome blessings into every area of your life, then The Abundance Method is your divine invitation to step into your true potential and manifest a life filled with love, prosperity, and joy.

Are you ready to tap into the boundless abundance that the universe has in store for you and create a vibrational shift that will completely transform your life?

You're not here by accident. You're here because you're ready to unlock the secrets of manifestation and create a life filled with love, prosperity, and joy. So let's do this together. Consider this your invitation to step into your power and let the magic unfold.

This is required work. 

By the end of our 12 weeks in The Abundance Method, you'll have…

You'll possess the tangible skills to embody presence, swiftly identify and overcome resistance, and elevate your inner knowing, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease.

You'll have created your sacred space and started to find moments of awareness throughout your day, effortlessly integrating presence into your daily routine.

You'll become a master at raising your vibration, feeling your body vibrate with energy, and aligning with the abundant flow of the universe – even if life feels like it’s throwing you challenges.

You'll notice how your thoughts no longer control you but instead, you'll simply observe them. From this place of clarity, you'll better manage your emotions, vibration, and co-create with the Universe effortlessly.

You'll feel as though you've earned your PhD in The Abundance Method, effortlessly implementing it into your daily life and living a life filled with pure joy and abundance.

Crafted Your Sacred Space

Elevated Your Vibration

Fully Embodied Presence

 Expanded Your Perception

Mastered The Abundance Meditation Method

Mastered Manifestation

You’ll have learned to manifest your dreams with ease by mastering powerful manifestation techniques and equipping yourself with practical tools and rituals. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to a life filled with clarity, purpose, and fulfillment as a Master Manifestor.

You’ll witness the power of a supportive community of like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you every step of the way. Together, you'll celebrate your successes, share your manifestations, and create a space where miracles happen daily.

Built a Thriving Community

Success Stories

Through a series of serendipitous moments and intuitive nudges, I discovered the power of simply feeling better. Aligning my vibrations with the frequency of abundance and joy that already existed within me and all around me was simply magical.

Back then, I didn't have a step-by-step guide, but I trusted my gut and followed the path of joy. And guess what? It led me exactly where I needed to be.

Today, I'm living proof that aligning with abundance is a game-changer, and I'm thrilled to share the secret that transformed my life. Now, with powerful tools and the unwavering belief in your incredible potential, you have everything you need to take charge and create your own adventure.

Together, we'll unlock the secrets to manifesting your dreams, harness the power of your energy, and build a life that not only lights YOU up from the inside out but also radiates positivity and joy into the world around you.

Are you ready to step into your greatness and claim your birthright of abundance?

This adventure awaits, and I can't wait to make magic happen with you!

Deep down, even when things didn’t feel this magical, I knew I was meant for something bigger. A life overflowing with joy, love, and abundance wasn't some far-off dream. It was my birthright!

I knew the universe was bursting with possibility, and that same potential lived inside me too.

However, there was a time when I found myself feeling trapped in the maze of uncertainty, searching for the key to unlock the door to true fulfillment. I tried many things, exploring countless methods and techniques in pursuit of that elusive feeling of abundance and contentment.

I'm Cathy, and I'm so fired up to have you here on this epic journey. Let me share a piece of my story - a story of hope, resilience, and the unwavering belief that magic is always within reach.

Hey there, beautiful soul!


12 Monthly Payments of $297


A One-Time Payment of $2997


12 Monthly Payments of $497


A One-Time Payment of $5000

What’s Inside The Abundance Method?

In The Abundance Method, you’ll embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I’ll lead you through a step-by-step process to unlock the power of manifestation and create a life overflowing with abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

UNIT 1: Setting The Foundation with Unwavering Presence

Embark on a journey of profound transformation by mastering the art of presence. Learn to overcome resistance, elevate your inner knowing, and navigate life's challenges with grace and ease.

By the end of Unit 1, you'll be able to feel resistance in your body, know how to deal with resistance in real time, and understand how to become more present.

UNIT 2: Mastering Manifestation through Mindfulness

Craft your sacred space and seamlessly integrate awareness into your daily routine with the application of Step 1 of The Abundance Method. Experience the profound shift as gratitude becomes second nature, paving the way for exponential growth and abundance.

By the end of Unit 2, you'll have crafted your sacred space, integrated moments of awareness into your routine, and found yourself feeling gratitude effortlessly.

UNIT 3: Unlock the Secrets of Energy and Vibrational Alignment

Discover the profound impact of energy science on your journey to becoming a Master Manifestor. Elevate your vibrational imprint and experience the tangible sensation of your body vibrating with high vibes.

By the end of Unit 3, you'll become a master at raising your vibration and feeling your body vibrate with energy.

UNIT 4: Step into Your Higher Self

The second step of The Abundance Method is to embrace your higher self and gain clarity on quantum energy and transcendence. Learn to effortlessly bend the fabric of reality and apply your newfound wisdom to co-create your desired reality.

By the end of Unit 4, you'll find tiny moments of bending the 3D reality and experience transcension.

UNIT 5: Elevate Your Impact Through Contribution

Shift your focus from accumulation to contribution and experience the true essence of abundance. Begin to feel good, expedite your ability to receive abundance, and create positive ripple effects in the world.

By the end of Unit 5, you'll start incorporating ways to contribute/give and in turn begin to feel good and expedite your ability to receive abundance.

UNIT 6: Master Your Mind

Take command of your thoughts, observe them with clarity and detachment, and gain mastery over your emotions as we learn the third and last step of The Abundance Method. Accelerate your ability to co-create with the Universe and live a life filled with joy and abundance.

By the end of Unit 6, you'll notice how your thoughts are no longer controlling you, allowing you to better manage your emotions and vibration, and co-create with the Universe more quickly.

UNIT 7: Unlock Your Money Mindset Mastery

Delve into the art of becoming a conduit for financial abundance, liberating yourself from any lingering negative beliefs surrounding this beautiful currency. Welcome abundance into your life effortlessly.

By the end of Unit 7, you'll open the floodgates to prosperity by aligning with abundance, allowing wealth to naturally flow your way.

UNIT 8: Oneness + Wholeness United

Embody The Abundance Method fully, effortlessly maintaining high-vibe energy and living a life filled with pure joy.

By the end of Unit 8, you'll embody The Abundance Method fully, effortlessly maintaining high-vibe energy and living a life filled with pure joy.

Gold Level

The Gold Level includes...

  • 8 LIVE Calls with Cathy Heller
  • 2 Mentor Calls (Support + Breathwork)
  • 12 Week Access to Private Students Facebook Group
  • Weekly Workbooks to Help You Work Through the Content
  • Lifetime access to the course

Platinum Level Perks

The Platinum Level includes...

  • 8 Live Calls with Cathy
  • 2 Mentor Calls (Support + Breathwork)
  • 12 weeks in a supportive and inspiring Facebook community
  • Weekly Workbooks to Help You Work Through the Content
  • Lifetime access to the course
  • PLUS: 3 bonus intimate Q&A calls with Cathy
  • PLUS: 2 bonus calls with special guests
  • PLUS: 2 Voxer days
  • PLUS: Additional Mentor Call
  • A FREE TICKET to our In-Person July Retreat!

YOU're the star of your own incredible adventure, where every day is an opportunity to shape your destiny and radiate positivity into the world. You're not the supporting actress in your life; you're the hero, the one who holds the power to transform challenges into triumphs and dreams into reality.

And guess what? I'm here to remind you of your own power and guide you every step of the way.

Together, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where you'll learn to harness the incredible power of your vibes to manifest the life you've always dreamed of. It's not about wishful thinking; it's about taking deliberate action each day to choose joy, abundance, and fulfillment. By claiming your hero-ship and embracing your role as the creator of your own reality, you'll unlock a whole new level of potential and possibility.

Are you ready to take control of your energy and create a life that lights you up from the inside out?

If so, join me on this transformative journey and let's make magic happen together. Your adventure awaits, and your higher self is excited to see the incredible things you'll achieve when you take this leap of faith in yourself.

Choose Your Vibe!


Join The Abundance Method and start manifesting the life of your dreams today!

I've got news for you.

So, are you ready to step into your greatness?


Bonus #1

Hello Audio

Take your lessons with you wherever you are! This is your exclusive podcast for The Abundance Method lessons. You’ll receive a personal link to add to your favorite listening platform, and voila, you’ll get all the course lessons in audio format for easy, on-the-go listening!

Bonus #2

Abundant Now Meditation Pack

Enjoy a 10-pack of beautiful meditations to immediately transport you into a place of love, abundance and high-vibe. These are 10 meditations that Cathy swears by if you’re ready to manifest more joy and peace in your life. 

Bonus #3

Permission To Be Rich Class

"Permission to Be Rich" is a 90 minute class that delves into transcending the limitations of the analytical mind to embrace abundance, wealth, and prosperity. Learn the techniques to tune your frequency to a higher vibration, expand your consciousness and capacity to receive, and heal your relationship with money. This enlightening discussion will not only help you change the amount in your bank account - but it will lead you to the freedom you've been seeking and the permission to be rich in all aspects of your life.

Bonus #4

BLOOM: 3 Day In-Person Retreat

This 3-day in-person retreat, held in Los Angeles July 14th through the 16th, will give you the time and space to fully embody all you’ve been learning in The Abundance Method alongside me and fellow The Abundance Method students. Join me for 3 days of interactive, invigorating practices, healing scenery, and for the opportunity to cultivate abundant friendships. This will be an intimate setting where you’ll get to work closely with me and my team IRL.

** Platinum members will receive a specific track!

If you're here, reading these words, it's because something inside you knows that The Abundance Method is your next step towards a life of joy and alignment. I've witnessed the incredible transformations of countless students before you, and each time, I am in awe of the power within each of us.

I understand the hesitation and fear that may be holding you back. Now is the time to let go of those fears and step boldly into the abundant life waiting for you. Trust in yourself, trust in this journey, and know that me and my team are here to guide and support you every step of the way.

When you show up and commit to this path, you'll be amazed at the results. It's time to embrace the joy, fulfillment, and limitless possibilities that await you. Enroll now and let's embark on this transformative journey together!


Are you on the fence?

Hop on a call with someone from my team. We'd love to chat with you and support you in deciding if The Abundance Method is right for you. 

Fill out this form and we'll reach out within 48 hours to schedule a short video call with you!


Q: Is this suitable for me if I already took Abundant Ever After?


While Abundant Ever After is a remarkable journey in itself, The Abundance Method offers a distinct path focusing solely on your personal alignment and manifestation prowess. We celebrate your commitment to growth and evolution, and in this 12-week program, you'll dive deeper into advanced techniques, spiritual practices, and mindset shifts tailored to your unique journey.

Whether you're new to our programs or continuing your exploration, The Abundance Method is designed to elevate your abundance mindset, align you with your true self, and empower you to manifest your dreams with clarity and power.

Q: What's the schedule?

Gold Level Calls will be held from Wednesdays from 9 am PST - 10 am PST on the following dates:

5/29, 6/5, 6/19, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24 & 7/31

Platinum Level Calls/Voxer days will get all the Gold Level Calls mentioned above, as well as an additional 30 minute call immediately following the Gold Level Calls at 10 am PST. They will also receive additional mentor calls on the following dates:

6/12, 7/3, and 7/17

When you enroll, you'll receive a special link to the calendar which will include the call link, times, dates, and a schedule you can add to your personal calendar.

Q: I have a busy schedule. How much time will I need?

I completely understand the demands of a busy schedule, and I'm here to ensure that The Abundance Method fits seamlessly into your life. In the past, I've been known to have 2-hour calls, and sometimes more. However, for this round, we're keeping things streamlined with 1-hour long calls, making it easier for you to join live or watch the replays at your convenience.

During our 1-hour calls, you'll receive incredible content, insights, and guidance directly from me. Additionally, we'll have optional mentor calls available for those seeking additional support and clarity. As long as you're ready to invest in this transformative work, The Abundance Method can fit into any busy schedule.

Furthermore, when these live calls are uploaded to your student portal, they will be segmented down into bitesize lessons – generally 10-15 minutes. 

Remember, the essence of this program is to create more ease and space in your life. If you're wondering whether you have time to dedicate to your alignment and abundance journey, I encourage you to prioritize this experience. It's an opportunity to step into a life of joy, fulfillment, and abundance.

Q: Which level is right for me, the Gold or the Platinum?

Choosing between the Gold and Platinum levels depends on your unique journey and goals.

The Platinum Level encompasses everything offered in the Gold level and goes beyond. With Platinum, you'll enjoy additional calls with me, exclusive Voxer Days for ongoing support, and extra mentor sessions tailored to accelerate your growth.

If you've had the privilege of experiencing my programs before, I encourage you to step into the Platinum level. Here, you'll have more access to me and exclusive sessions designed for rapid Q&A, ensuring personalized guidance and support every step of the way.

For those new to my programs but deeply invested in manifesting and enhancing your abundance experience, the Platinum level offers an immersive journey into alignment and manifestation, providing the tools and support you need to thrive.

Ultimately, both levels are crafted with your growth and success in mind. Choose the level that resonates most with your aspirations, and together, let's embark on a transformative journey towards abundance and fulfillment.

Q: Can I join if I'm new to manifestation and spirituality?

Absolutely! The Abundance Method is designed for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. You'll receive guidance tailored to your level of experience, helping you unlock the power of manifestation and spiritual alignment.

Q: What if I miss a live session?

Don't worry! All live sessions will be recorded and available for replay, ensuring you don't miss any valuable content. You can catch up at your convenience and still benefit from the program. You will have lifetime access to the program content in your student portal.

Q: Will I receive support between sessions?

In addition to the calls, you'll have access to a private Facebook group where you can connect with like-minded individuals, ask questions, and receive ongoing support and inspiration throughout the program.

Q: The program is 12 weeks but we have 8 calls with Cathy. What happens during the weeks when we don't have calls?

During these extra four weeks, we gift you the time to digest and embody the work we've been doing together. It's an opportunity to integrate the teachings into your life and catch up if needed. Additionally, we'll offer optional mentor calls during these two weeks for those seeking additional support and clarity. We also keep the Facebook group open the entire 12 weeks for added support. 

Q: When / where are the retreats?

The Bloom Retreat will be July 14-16th in CA and the Fall retreat will be tentatively October 13-15th, location TBD.

We suggest that anyone who joins Platinum joins the July Bloom retreat as a culminating moment of this transformative experience. However, we understands that July may not align with everyone’s schedule. This is why we're offering you the choice to join Cathy's Fall retreat in October. *Remember that this is a BONUS on top of the phenomenal experience offered in course!

Q: What's the refund policy?

All sales are final. We believe strongly in the value and transformative potential of The Abundance Method. As such, we do not offer refunds or cancellations. Your commitment to this journey is an investment in yourself and your growth, and we're here to hold you accountable and support you.

Q: Do I have lifetime access to the course?

Yes, absolutely! You'll have lifetime access to the course materials, including recordings of the live calls. This means you can catch up on any sessions you miss and revisit the content whenever you need a refresher or a deeper dive. We always have room for the next level of expansion and that's what you'll get each time you go over this content.

Other questions?

Reach out to hello@cathyheller.com and my team will answer any questions you may have!