How to Change Your Destiny & Turn Your Life Into Gold


How can you strengthen your muscle to feel good and sustain a high vibration? Cathy shares a coaching call about how your clothes can affect your frequency, how to quiet your cortisol and settle into wholeness, how to be in a state of generosity so you can be in a state of abundance, and how your desires can direct you towards your destiny.

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1. You are the creative magic wand itself.
2. We manifest by allowing in the abundance that is already here, right in this very moment.
3. When we meditate, we find the piece of us that feels completely and totally whole.  We feel connected to the oneness. We feel some of the one. And there is no greater feeling than that.
4. When you desire something, it’s because there is a knowing that you have the capacity to be a bigger vessel than you are right now. It is the signal to raise your vibration, period. Your soul knows the way.
5. Be audacious. Allow yourself to align your desire with who you really are, with the capacity that your vessel truly came to this world for.
6. If something is meant for you, it’s yours. All you have to be is you to receive it.

Thank you so much for listening!

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