How Sarah Milken Went From No Social Media to A Super Engaged Audience of Over 55,000


How do you regain agency over your life, find your voice, and connect with the people you’re meant to impact? Sarah Milken, creator and host of The Flexible Neurotic podcast, knew nothing about podcasting or social media 3 years ago. She just knew she wanted a community to help her through her midlife remix – and now she has an audience of over 55,000 women and her podcast is in the top 1%. She shares how to grow an extraordinary engaged following, embrace the messiness and imperfections, have the courage to show your most authentic self, and reinvent yourself at any stage of life.

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– Follow Sarah on Instagram @theflexibleneurotic
– More of Sarah


1. Everyone wants to feel seen and heard. If we can all connect and realize that we’re not alone, it makes the journey so much easier.
2. Being scared and doing it anyway is the only way.
3. You’re never going to feel ready. Nothing is ever going to be done perfectly. But the only way to grow is to do it.
4. Don’t get stuck in the hamster wheel of being comfortable. Being comfortable is boring AF.
5. It doesn’t matter what works for someone else. It only matters what works for you and just getting it done.  
6. Your vibe is the party you’re inviting people to.
7. Life is a reflection of your willingness to flow in your actual alignment. You get to decide. And when you do, the world will literally show up and rally for you.
8. We have so much more time ahead of us. You’re just getting started.

Thank you so much for listening!

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